Celebrate your schools commitment to nurturing useful and kind behaviour and leadership

Huge congratulations on achieving your U&K Schools’ Mark. Your school is part of a community committed to developing prosocial behaviour and leadership - everyone working to nurture and develop future leaders and make the world a better place. We believe this is something worth celebrating!

5 simple steps to share your news:

1. Let your whole school community know

Think about how you will let all members of your school community know about the award. Everyone will be delighted to hear the news!

You could consider:

  • School newsletter

  • Video announcement

  • Class blogs

  • Whole school assembly

  • Letters from pupils

2. Get social

Make sure to share your U&K Schools’ Mark success on social media.

Include #UsefulandKind #SchoolsMark and why not tag other schools you have connected with on your U&K journey?

Click here to download the U&K Schools’ Mark ecard.


3. Involve the media

We recommend you send a press release to your local papers, you could also add this as a news story on your school website. You can usually find the email for local and regional newspapers by using Google. There is often an editor or news desk email available.

Download our editable sample press release here: U&K Schools’ Mark Award

Remember to include images to enhance your story. This could be a photograph with your U&K Schools’ Mark certificate and/or an image of U&K in action.

4. Display your logo

You will receive your U&K logo with your award notification email. You can use this on your school website footer, social media profiles, letterhead templates and newsletters.

5. Plan a celebration event

Hosting a celebration event can help to generate awareness of your award. This could take the form of a special assembly and could include sharing your U&K Schools’ Mark certificate. You may even decide to have a tree planting ceremony as your sapling will be delivered to your school ready for you to nurture and grow. A celebration event is a great opportunity to talk briefly about the positive impact Useful and Kind has had on your school community and the way you have developed useful and kind behaviours and leadership over the last year.

Whether in person or online, you could consider inviting:

  • parents

  • governors

  • members of the local community involved with your Grow projects

  • the local press

  • local feeder schools

  • local MPs/ Mayor

Your U&K Schools’ Mark is a fantastic achievement for your whole school community. We are absolutely delighted to be able to recognise the growth of useful and kind behaviours and leadership in your school. We are ready to support you with your next steps as you continue to Flower. Contact lyanne@usefulandkindunlimited.com for more info.