The Useful & Kind Inspirers
Sir Nick Young
“Someone who made a difference for people in need, and a good father, husband and friend.”
Emily Coxhead
“A fluffy-haired designer, illustrator, author and happy thing maker who always tries to look for the good. “
Steph Wheen
”Empathetic, honest and passionate. I would love it if people thought that I am making a difference to people’s lives through hard work but would also like to be thought of as enjoying every minute and loving life!”
Iqbal Wahhab
“On Twitter I describe myself as a ‘Restaurateur with social meddling tendencies’ on LinkedIn as a ‘Busy body’. Somewhere between the two.”
Michael Norton
”A social innovator actively looking for solutions to the social and environmental problems that face us as people and as a world.”
Mya-Rose Craig
”A young naturalist, conservationist, environmentalist, activist and leader.”
Michelle Douglas
”I am someone who has had an interesting life and I became an activist in order to help make sure that there is more equality, justice and fairness in the world.”
Laura Darrall
”Kind and full of hope! (With a good sense of humour… of course!)”
Fran Findlater
”I was most flattered when someone called me a disrupter – but otherwise colourfully and creatively caring – an unlikely Founder of a Prison Charity.”
Winston Goode
“I’ve been described as many things such as youth work legend, champion of young people, community activist.”
Jack Rowlands
I think most people will describe me as enthusiastic, determined and positive.
Aaron Johnson
I mentor and guide young people and adult into a more productive and positive path in life, supporting them to achieve and reach their goals.
Kate Lee
“Someone once called me a battery – bringing positive energy to the people I work with, I thought that was really flattering.”
Amika George
“I am a 20 year old student from London and I am a feminist activist. I received the Global Goals Campaign Award in 2018 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Catherine Rodgers
“Useful and Kind! But before this, compassionate and passionate and joyful.”
Dame Elizabeth Anionwu
“A retired nurse, former professor of nursing. mixed race, Irish and Nigerian heritage”
Frank Turner
“A singer, songwriter and performer who came up from punk rock into whatever it is I do now.”
Monira Ahmed Chowdhury
“First Bristolian born to parents of British Bangladeshi ethnicity, a woman who is proud to be a British Bangladeshi Muslim Bristolian.”
Peter Tatchell
“Human rights campaigner.”
Henri Dunant
“Founder of the worldwide Red Cross Red Crescent Movement”
Joanna Kerr
“I describe myself as a global citizen, feminist and environmentalist committed to human rights and nature.”
Ally Friedman
...take a breath and enjoy the process
Mary Chater
“A warm, caring and energetic person who loves her husband, family, music, Italy and Shakespeare amongst many other things!”