U&K Summer Schools - future plans
Here’s what they said…
‘The experience was truly amazing and beneficial to enhancing leadership and people skills
This really helped me to progress as a leader and it allowed me to consider that I have a great opportunity to make a positive influence by leading in any future career.
The content was fantastic especially for the incredible way it worked and helped so many young (and older) people involved.
All the mentors were fantastic bringing a variety of gifts to the group
The speakers were amazing and the content was brilliant and I would love to be that influential when I am older.
It was wonderful and led with so much love and gentleness, which I think took quite a few of the people a while to get used to being treated with such high regard.
It was truly amazing - it gave us everything you have and more.
It has given me incredible friends I will keep for life’.
International Online Summer School for young, Useful and Kind, prosocial leaders (16-21)
We are currently planning a large international event in partnership with #Unite 2030 and WellBeing Economy Alliance Youth. If you would like to be kept informed please complete the following:
2022 Useful and Kind Summer School, Bootham School York
We hope to be able to return to the really successful; residential format for young prosocial leaders. This will be mainly for those secondary schools (Years 11.12.13) who have been accredited as a U&K school
Some tips from previous Summer Schools
These are really challenging times for millions of people around the world. Please do what you can to be #usefulandkind to yourself, others and the world.
Here are some tips from our seminars:
Tell those whom you love that you do - today.
Listen to people who know more than you
Decide what you can do in your personal life to model being #usefulandkind
Write to thank the people who have helped you
Send a small note or gift to someone you disagree with who has helped you to think in a different way
Don't be overwhelmed by how much there is to do try one of the following:read a book or give one away
Join Amnesty's letter writing campaign
sign up to something you are passionate about
stop and listen
enjoy the natural world - do what you can to preserve it