U&K Tools for Pupils

In addition to the U&K Curriculum Progression document which describes useful and kind behaviours and leadership from EYFS to Y6, we have provided the following tried and tested tools to support schools. As with our adult tools, these are based on sound research and have been proven to have a positive impact in school settings. We are continually reviewing and adding to the tools we provide for schools and would love to hear from you if you have a suggestions for a further resource, email lyanne@usefulandkindunlimited.com.



Gratitude List

Age group: EYFS KS1 Resource type: Embed activity

There is considerable evidence that noticing and reflecting on the good things in your life has a very positive impact on your well-being. Support pupils as they start to think and discuss the things they are grateful for.


Gratitude Journal

Age group: KS2 Resource type: Embed activity

Building on the language shared when creating a Gratitude List, this activity introduces pupils to Journalling - encouraging personal thought and reflection.


Listening to my Feelings

Age group: UKS2 Resource type: Lesson plan

Specifically designed for year 5 and 6 pupils, this series of lessons and supporting resources, explore feelings at a deeper level to support a developing understanding of emotional intelligence.



Circles of Support

Age group: KS1/LKS2 Resource type: Lesson Plan

A set of activity plans designed to help pupils develop a deeper understanding of their relationships with others. This detailed planning starts by helping pupils to explore people who provides them with support and leads on to thinking about the support they can give to others.


OK Corral

Age group: UKS2 Resource type: Lesson plan

Specifically designed for years 5 and 6, this resource will support pupils to explore their own feelings and their feelings towards others in a range of situations. Supports conversations about healthy relationships.


Strokes - Giving and Receiving Positive Comments

Age group: KS2 Resource type: Embed activity

This activity develops positive, constructive and specific empathy and communication between pupils. It is a fundamental skill that underpins pro-sociality – being Useful and Kind to Others.


Question of the Day

Age group: EYFS/ KS1 Resource type: Embed activity

Question of the Day is an approach widely used in schools to stimulate thinking. We have developed example questions for younger children, supporting thought and discussion around useful and kind behaviours relating to Self, Others and World.



Land and Food

Age group: KS2 Resource type: Lesson plan

A resource to encourage children to think about the food we eat, where it comes from and how we can ensure there is enough for everyone. This lesson plan can be used as a starting point for a wider project around sustainable food.


Sense of World

Age group: KS1/ LKS2 Resource type: Lesson plan

An open ended activity which will be influenced by the teacher’s choice of stimulus; its purpose is simply to enable pupils to develop a sense of their world. This activity could be repeated each half term.